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Customer Experience

Our company had trouble with our billing process, which resulted in us losing a lot of customers in the process. We were already worried because it was taking a toll on our bottom line, which prompted the management to seek assistance from Business Full Spectrum before things turn for the worse.

Business Full Spectrum stepped in and performed customer experience mapping in our billing process. They have figured out a couple of problems, which included lapses in the communication process between responsible departments and customers and the timing of sending out notices for past-due bills. They then helped us in sorting out the inefficiencies in our process and in coming up with suitable solutions that significantly improved the way we handle billing. We are very thankful for the help that their team extended to us and if it were not for them, we would still be swamped with complaints from customers and probably dealing with significant losses.

Data Security

Although we are just a small accounting firm, we maintain a lot of critical data, especially those concerning our clients’ accounts. Whilst we have some measures in place, we thought that they were not enough to keep our data safe from possible attacks or from loss or damage due to disaster. This made us decide to sought the help of Business Full Spectrum.

Business Full Spectrum team worked with us in determining potential areas of vulnerability in our systems. From there, they helped us formulate solutions that cover data management governance, threat detection, disaster recovery and business continuity, and security awareness across the board. Today, we are more confident with the level of security of our data management systems and we owe it to the expertise of Business Full Spectrum.

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Choose Imagess

Value Stream Improvement

As a not-for-profit organisation, we have diverse services that we need to deliver to those who rely on us. The problem, however, is that we often have too heavy a workload, not to mention that our process of service delivery was not too organised. This resulted for some of our service users not to be able to get assistance right away. Because we want to serve the needs of our service users quickly and more efficiently, we have contacted Business Analysis for assistance.

Business Full Spectrum’s team of business analysts immediately went to work to determine where the bottlenecks usually occur. From there, they assisted us in improving our value streams through solutions that are focused on improving the clarity of roles of our business units, dispatch of volunteers, and our reporting process. They also helped us in developing and implementing KPIs to properly evaluate our end-to-end service. All in all, we had a pleasant experience working with Business Full Spectrum and we definitely recommend their service to other not-for-profit organisations that are seeking to improve their processes and quality of service delivery.